Tag Archives: recipes

junk drawer // armchair travel volume 1


Honcun, China

The ‘Junk Drawer’ is a random dose of  things to read, eat, enjoy and explore

Along with what seems like the large majority of humans, I have been doing an above average amount of ‘armchair travel’ lately. Using flavors, films, books, and even falling prey to the scroll-hole of instagram to carry me off to far-flung places.  Oh yeah, and baking bread.  Lots of bread. Continue reading

Long Life Noodles/ Longevity Noodles

Year of The Rat: A Chinese New Year menu (complete with soundtrack) and a fresh mission statement to boot

Long Life Noodles/ Longevity Noodles

Looks like we have found ourselves once again on the brink of new beginnings…Chinese New Year. New moon, fresh starts. We have successfully passed through winter’s gate, and are now inching our way toward spring. Could there possibly be a better time for a celebration of friends, family, and food?

So, yes, here I am… on the threshold of a new moon, eagerly awaiting Continue reading