Tag Archives: lara meda

Lara Meda emerging artist

mounds | spring 2022

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Lara Meda emerging artist

sketches for the ‘mounds’ sculptural installation.

This kind of came out of nowhere, or rather from somewhere in between all of the raveling and unraveling that was going on as I struggled to turn the big ball of nylon yarn into an idea.  It passed through a few different forms before settling into this one. Continue reading

Papakolea Green Sand Beach, Hawaii

Postcard from Hawaii | the big island

Papakolea Green Sand Beach, Hawaii

We left the cool green morning that collects between the trees near the volcanoes to make our way down to the southern tip of the island. Look out across flaxen fields of grass dotted with cattle and horses the color of sand to see the ocean meet the sky.

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