Tag Archives: art journal

Ghostly Heart sculpture art ball


Ghostly Heart sculpture art ball

I have been staring at the cursor for quite a while trying to gather my thoughts.  The blinking line on this blank computer page is filled with so much more expectation than if I just had a piece of paper sitting quietly in front of me.  It seems to be prodding me into action, and simultaneously lulling me into a hypnotic state.  This will probably be the most coherent one of these things that I ever write.  Just thought I would warn you now, whoever you are.

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Papaya Dog, New York City

notes from New York City

Papaya Dog, New York City

walked a dozen blocks,

breathing it all in

the old, the new, the beautiful, the crumbling, all linked together by sidewalks and narrow streets like strings tying together.

walked a dozen blocks, lived a dozen different lives

the doorways, the windows, the alleys

worlds like secrets written on a piece of paper,

folded, in my pocket