Tag Archives: Bukchon Son Mandu

Wander Seoul... Leeum Art Gallery

Wander | Seoul

Wander Seoul... Leeum Art Gallery

It is hard to believe that it has been a whole 2 years since our toes first touched down on the Korean peninsula. In that strange and mysterious way that time has of expanding and contracting it has felt simultaneously much longer, yet somehow contained in the blink of an eye. I love those beginning days in a new place when Continue reading

Bukchon Son Mandu- Insadong, Seoul

Bukchon Son Mandu

Bukchon Son Mandu- Insadong, Seoul

There are a few iconic dishes that one shouldn’t leave Korea without trying…one of them is the beloved dumpling called mandu. Steamed mandu (찐만두), fried mandu(튀김만두), meat mandu (고기 만두), kimchi mandu (김치만두), wang mandu(왕만두), or jjinppang mandu (찐빵만두)… Continue reading